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HomeFunded ProjectsDepartment of Science and Technology (DST)Call for Project Proposals under Technology Development Programme

Call for Project Proposals under Technology Development Programme

Call for Project Proposals under Technology Development Programme | DST

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The Department of Science & Technology (DST) plays a pivotal role in the promotion of science & technology in the country. Through an umbrella scheme of Innovation Technology Development and Deployment, the Department under its Technology Development Programme (TDP) has been promoting and supporting activities related to indigenous development of innovative technologies in identified areas.

A New Call for Proposals are invited from scientists/engineers/technologists working in academic institutions/R&D institutions/laboratories having adequate infrastructure/ facilities to carry out Technology Development work/prototype building. Financial support will be provided for the indigenous development of innovative technologies in identified areas. Last Date and Time of Online Submission: 30.06.2023, 5.00 P.M.

Submit your project proposals for the Technology Development Programme by DST and receive financial support for innovative technologies. Academic institutions, R&D institutions, and technologists can apply for the development of advanced manufacturing, waste management, and biomedical technologies. Ensure eligibility and submit online by 30th June 2023. Visit the website for more information.

Call for Project Proposals under Technology Development Programme | DST

DST invites R & D proposals in the following areas for financial support:

  1. Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMT)
  2. Waste Management Technologies (WMT)
  3. Biomedical Device and Technology Development Programme (BDTD)
  4. Technology Development Programme (TDP)
  5. Therapeutic Chemicals (TC)

Eligibility criteria:

  1. Proposals must be submitted using the ONLINE portal ( only by Scientists/Engineers/ Technologists working in Universities and other Academic institutions; R&D institutions/ Laboratories have adequate infrastructure and facilities to carry out R&D work. Principal Investigators (PIs) may submit the proposal under the division of “Technology Development and Transfer” after registration on the portal or using their already registered IDs.
  2. The project proposal will be reviewed only if the PI has completed proof of concept. The proposals falling under TRL 3 to 6 [TRL 3 – Experimental proof of concept, TRL 4 – Technology validation in a lab, TRL 5–Technology validation in a relevant environment, TRL 6 – Technology demonstrated in a relevant environment] are only to be submitted. The fundamental R&D proposals will not be supported under this call.
  3. It is mandatory to demonstrate a lab prototype to become eligible for consideration under this call.
  4. The PI or groups already having ongoing projects under any of the AMT, WMT, BDTD, TDP, and TC programs of DST may apply only if six months or less are due for the completion of the project.
  5. For submitting an application under the program area of the Biomedical Device and Technology Development Programme (BDTD), a clinician should be involved with investigating team as Co-PI.

Key points to consider:

  1. Financial support is provided only for temporary staff salaries, equipment consumables, domestic travel, and other miscellaneous items. No support is provided for basic infrastructure, buildings, and International travel.
  2. The investigators/ R&D Group must have adequate experience and expertise in the relevant area of the proposal. The results of ongoing and completed projects of the PI must be reflected while formulating new proposals.
  3. Co-PI from the host institute is mandatory.
  4. The technology demonstration plan should be clearly spelled out with achievable milestones, timelines, justifiable budget requirements, and engagement with prospective technology transfer partners or technology transfer facilitating bodies.
  5. It is envisaged that the end product of development shall be transferred to industries/suitable stakeholders for technology implementation. Hence, the project should be proposed with appropriate industry/suitable stakeholder participation, clearly stating the technical as well as financial terms of participation.
  6. No financial support will be provided to the industry. An endorsement letter from the participating industry/stakeholder with a detailed breakup of their contribution to the proposed project has to be submitted.
  7. Fund support under a non-recurring grant for the required equipment will be given only if the same or similar facility is not available in the PI’s institution or nearby institutions.
  8. A PI can submit only one proposal against this DST-TDP Call. Submission of more than one proposal from a PI would be liable for disqualification.
  9. It is desirable to have the contribution of the host institution/grantee institution for the capital cost of the project.
  10. The quarterly deliverables should be clearly mentioned in the proposal in the form of a Gantt chart/ matrix.
  11. The projects should be time-bound normally for the duration of 2-3 years depending upon the device/technology to be developed.
  12. Implementation of the projects will be monitored regularly through Progress Reports, Audited Financial Statements, and a Committee of Experts in Group review meetings and onsite review as well.
  13. The Centre for Excellence (CoE) will be supported for a period of five years. The Centers will be evaluated after three years for continuity and will be further extended for two years depending upon their performance.
  14. A maximum of two CoEs will be established under each thrust area. CoE should be multi-institutional and collate the strength of partner institutes. Industry(ies) participation and contribution are mandatory for CoE applications.
  15. Interested Institutes may submit the concept note/ full proposal of CoE within the duration of the call.

Procedure for submission of project proposals:

  • The application will be accepted only through an online mode of project submission through e-Project Management System (e-PMS Portal) (
  • Applicants should register as a PI in DST’s Online Portal.
  • Registered PIs may get an option of “submit proposal”, under calls that are open.
  • A soft copy of the project proposal along with requisite/supporting documents should be submitted in the enclosed format. Please ensure that the following documents have been completed and attached to the proposal.
    • Certificate from the investigator; and
    • Endorsement from the Head of the institution on Letter Head
  • Application received without compliance with eligibility criteria/above documents/with incomplete information/ will not be entertained.
  • PIs are advised not to send any hard copy of the project to the DST.

  • The last date and time of online submission is 30.06.2023 and 5.00 P.M.
  • For further details and other information: Link
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