patents Archives - iLovePhD One Stop to All Research Needs Tue, 10 Oct 2023 05:10:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 patents Archives - iLovePhD 32 32 159957935 Significance of Intellectual Property Rights in Research Tue, 10 Oct 2023 05:10:02 +0000 Dr. Sowndarya Somasundaram Published

In today’s knowledge-driven economy, intellectual property rights (IPR) play a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of innovation and research. They provide the necessary protection and incentives for researchers, inventors, and creators to push the boundaries of knowledge and develop ground-breaking solutions. In this article, iLovePhD will explore the significance of intellectual property rights in […]

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Dr. Sowndarya Somasundaram Published

In today’s knowledge-driven economy, intellectual property rights (IPR) play a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of innovation and research. They provide the necessary protection and incentives for researchers, inventors, and creators to push the boundaries of knowledge and develop ground-breaking solutions.

In this article, iLovePhD will explore the significance of intellectual property rights in research, highlighting their role in fostering innovation, incentivizing investment, and ensuring fair recognition and reward for the creators of intellectual assets.

A detailed article on “How to file an Indian patent” is discussed on the iLovePhD website.

Significance of Intellectual Property Rights in Research: Fuelling Innovation and Protecting Ideas

I. Fostering Innovation

Encouraging Research and Development

  • Intellectual property rights are powerful motivators for researchers and organizations to invest in pursuing new knowledge and technologies.
  • Patents, copyrights, and trademarks provide legal protection, ensuring that innovators can reap the benefits of their efforts without fear of immediate competition.
  • This, in turn, promotes the development of cutting-edge solutions and drives progress across various fields.

Facilitating Collaboration and Technology Transfer

  • IPR can also facilitate collaboration between academia and industry.
  • Through mechanisms such as licensing agreements, researchers can transfer their innovations to businesses for further development and commercialization.
  • This flow of knowledge fosters a dynamic exchange of ideas, resources, and expertise, ultimately accelerating the pace of innovation.

Also Read: Industry vs Academic Research

II. Incentivizing Investment

Attracting Funding

  • Investors and venture capitalists are more likely to support research projects when they see the potential for intellectual property protection.
  • They are more inclined to provide the financial resources necessary to turn ideas into tangible products or services because patents or copyrights safeguard their investments.

Promoting Entrepreneurship

  • Intellectual property rights empower individual researchers and entrepreneurs to start their ventures.
  • By securing their ideas and inventions, they can enter the market with confidence, knowing that their innovations are protected from exploitation by larger entities.
  • This not only spurs entrepreneurship but also promotes diversity and competition within industries.

III. Ensuring Fair Recognition and Reward

Fair Compensation for Creators

  • Intellectual property rights ensure that creators are duly compensated for their work.
  • Whether it’s a scientist who spent years researching a ground-breaking drug or an artist who poured their heart into a masterpiece, IPR ensures that they receive fair recognition and monetary rewards for their contributions to society.

Preventing Unjust Exploitation

  • Without intellectual property protection, creators could easily fall victim to exploitation.
  • Others could appropriate their ideas and innovations without their consent or proper compensation.
  • IPR acts as a shield, protecting creators from such unfair practices and ensuring that they can continue to create and innovate.

IV. Balancing Innovation and Public Interest

  • It’s important to note that intellectual property rights are not absolute.
  • These mechanisms, such as patent expiration, which allows inventions to enter the public domain after a set period
  • Fair use provisions in copyright law, which enable limited use of copyrighted materials for purposes like education and research, achieve a balance between encouraging innovation and serving the public interest.


In conclusion, intellectual property rights are indispensable in research and innovation. They serve as powerful tools for fostering innovation, incentivizing investment and ensuring that creators receive fair recognition and reward for their intellectual assets.

While they play a crucial role in driving progress, it is equally important to strike a balance between protection and public interest to ensure that the benefits of innovation are accessible to all. In a rapidly evolving world, intellectual property rights remain a cornerstone of the knowledge economy, shaping the future of research and technological advancement.

The post Significance of Intellectual Property Rights in Research appeared first on iLovePhD.

14 Question about Patent Registration Wed, 01 Jun 2022 14:15:00 +0000 Dr. Somasundaram R Published

Patent registration helps to protect inventions that are novel. By patenting an invention, the patentee is able to control the making, using, selling, or importing of the patented product or process for producing that product without his/her consent. But, when it comes to registering our novel research ideas as a patent, there are many questions […]

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Dr. Somasundaram R Published

Patent registration helps to protect inventions that are novel. By patenting an invention, the patentee is able to control the making, using, selling, or importing of the patented product or process for producing that product without his/her consent. But, when it comes to registering our novel research ideas as a patent, there are many questions arise.

In this article. ilovephd provides 14 Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about Indian Patent Filing and answers in detail.

FAQs about Patent Registration

1. What is a Patent? 

A patent is an exclusive right granted by the government to the inventor of an invention.

The invention needs to be a new and inventive solution to an existing technological problem.

2. What is the procedure to apply for a Patent?

The patent begins with the application while submitting the application.

First, you need to submit provisional or complete specifications about the invention to the patent office.

After submitting the provisional specification you will get 12 months’ time to submit a full specification and continue with the examination.

Upon successful completion of the examination, A report will be provided for objections then it published in the patent journal.

Also, if no objection made within 6 months, then the patent will be granted.

3. What are all the different types of patents?

The types of patents are listed below.

  • A process, such as a computer algorithm.
  • A machine is used to make something.
  • The specific item of manufacturing.
  • Improvement of an existing idea.
  • Composition of matter- a recipe for creation.

4. How long the protection will be provided?

Patent protection is not the permanent one it is for a limited period of time, in some countries it is for 20 years, later the invention will go for the public domain.

5. Who grants Patents? 

Generally, it will be granted by the controller of patents in the national patent office.

6. Who can apply for a Patent?

Generally, the true and first inventor or his assignee can file for a patent and in certain situations, his legal representatives also can file for a patent.

7. How can we apply for a Patent?

You can apply through an application in the patent office or through an online application.

8. Can I able to file the Patent for published information?

No, it is granted for an unpublished invention only. The invention should be novel and non-obvious.

Patent law provides a grace period of about 12months after such publication with a certain condition to grant a patent.

9. What can be Patentable

Any invention or inventive step which has novelty and is capable of industrial application, such inventions or inventive steps can be patentable.

It should not fall on the explicit exclusions for a patent under s.3 and s.4 of Indian patent act.

10. Is that the examination starts automatically?

No, the examination will begin once it was requested by the patentee. It is requested within 48 months from the prior date or filing.

11. What will be the next step after the examination?

Once the examination is done, the patent office will issue a report, based upon the report if any requirement needs to make, it to be done within the 12 months.

Once done and there is no petition for objection the paten will be granted.

12. What if no reply or nothing is made for such requirement asked by the patent officer within 12 months?

If there is no reply in 12 months, it will be considered an abandoned application.

13. When can we object a patent? 

A patent can be objected to in two ways one is pre-grant and another post-grant.

Pre-grant objection – within 6 months from the date of patent journal publication.

Post-grant objection– within 12 months from the grant of patent.

14. Do the patent right applicable to all countries?

No, because it is a territorial right only. It can be exercised within the country.

Hope, this article helps you to get more information about the registration of the patent.

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The post 14 Question about Patent Registration appeared first on iLovePhD.

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